Workplace Wellness

Corporate Meditation Classes

Meditation in the workplace has been shown to produce benefits for both companies and their employees.

Meditation classes reduce stress, develop a calm mind and heightened awareness – that’s why leading companies have embraced corporate meditation classes.

For every $1 a company invests in health and wellness they gain $2.30 back.

Your Company Benefits From Corporate Meditation:

  • Higher staff morale

    Reducing stress in the workplace means your employees will be happier and feel more positive about your organisation.

  • Reduced absenteeism

    Workplace pressures cause a range of physical and emotional illnesses (including depression). Stress suppresses the immune system so that it takes longer to recover from non-stress-related illnesses. This results in loss of work hours.

  • Reduced workers compensation claims

    Stress-related claims account for almost 30% of all WorkCover claims and are about twice as expensive as other claims (see details below).

  • Reduced staff turnover

    Employees who aren’t coping with stress at work are more likely to leave.

  • Employees with better mental focus

    Research shows that mindfulness meditation increases mental abilities; especially the ability to focus.

  • Better inter-staff relations

    When people are stressed at work, tempers flare and relationships can sour, leading to less co-operative, less cohesive teams, which decreases productivity.

  • Better customer service

    Staff who aren’t stressed will be more pleasant to your clients and provide better customer service.

  • Higher productivity

    All of the factors mentioned above will increase productivity and improve your bottom line. Additionally, the fact that many people think less clearly when they’re over-stressed means your staff will make better decisions when effective stress management strategies, such as mindfulness training, are implemented.

Laughter Yoga Workshops

Our Laughter Yoga workshops are an enjoyable and dynamic team-building activity for the workplace.

Your employees will have loads of fun as they laugh themselves into a positive frame of mind and an improved sense of wellbeing.

Laughter Yoga workshops are also commonly referred to as Laughter Therapy or simply Laughter Workshops.

It’s all about laughing! There are no yoga movements involved in Laughter Yoga. The “Yoga” part comes from the creator of Laughter Yoga, Dr. Madan Kataria, who included yogic breathing exercises as part of his laughing workshops.

Laughter as a Team Building Tool

Our laughter workshop is a unique team building exercise that dissolves stress, tension and pressure in minutes.

Joy is a unifying experience and creates positive changes in the way people feel about each other. In a time of rapid change and high workplace stress, humour is an effective tool to develop staff resilience and maintain a positive outlook. It increases engagement levels and creates a healthy working environment, helping teams to communicate and work better together, and solving problems faster.

The laughter activities subtly help us to explore how we view the world and ourselves. They gently challenge us to let go of ego and judgements and connect us with others. It’s a liberating experience that loosens us up and allows barriers to come down, providing us with a safe space to feel a heartfelt connection with our colleagues and team – the group that laughs together stays together!

Our Laughter Workshop Explained

Our Laughter Yoga Workshop is typically one hour to fit into a lunch and learn session, but can be tailored to your time frame.

Participants don’t need any special clothing as the workshop won’t include any physical yoga exercises.

If you have a team that’s experiencing dysfunctional behaviour dynamics, then we recommend a series of laughter classes to act as a circuit-breaker. They will help diffuse the situation and reset the group to a more positive mindset.

Of all the indoor team building activities that you could choose from, Laughter Yoga is definitely the most fun!

You staff will thank you for it – participants often say that it’s given them a whole new perspective on their workplace.

Health Benefits of Laughter Yoga:

  • Reduces stress

  • Eases muscle tension

  • Deepens breathing

  • Improves circulation

  • Releases endorphins, the body’s natural pain-relieving opiates

  • Raises immunoglobulin-A, improving your immune system

  • Helps release hormonal substances called cytokines that promote the activity of “natural killer” white blood cells, which specialise in fighting off invading bacteria and viruses, and in destroying potential tumour cells.

    Psychological Benefits of Laughter Yoga:

  • Reduces stress and depression

  • Improves self-confidence

  • Lowers defensive barriers

  • Increases connection with others

  • Improves morale, trust and teamwork

  • Improves ability to cope with challenges

  • Renews a sense of meaning at work

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1 hour corporate meditation session

Option to add sound healing free of charge


1 hour corporate laughter yoga session


Half day laughter yoga workshop including ending meditation & sound healing


If you would like to book Kati for corporate treatments such as Reiki & Massage this can also be arranged. Email through details of your request.

Bank transfer and cash payment accepted