Hi light warrior! I am so glad you are here.

I’m Kati, A global spiritual teacher, shamanic healer, psychedelic integration coach & ceremonialist.

I am here to help you heal and reclaim your divine soul gifts.

Welcome, beautiful soul!

After growing up in England, and going through a lot of trauma, grief and dealing with dysfunctional relationships, feeling unworthy and unseen, and turning to drugs and alcohol as an escape, which often led to violence and toxic cycles and patterns, I knew there had to be more to life. I didn’t want to keep feeling the way I was, so I embarked upon a mission to heal my soul. It was through this that I discovered energy healing, which absolutely changed my life. So much so, that I trained to become a healer and helped transform other people’s lives around the world. This is my passion, because it changed my life if you would have told me 15 years ago I would become the woman I have today I NEVER would have believed you but here I am, A Certified Psychedelic Integration Coach, a Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Counsellor, Channeller, Hypnotherapist, Point of Light Therapist, ISIS KA practitioner, Pranic Healer & BioGeometry Practitioner.

Using shamanic tools and techniques and being guided by spirit to help my clients and students release what doesn’t serve them to step into their and manifest their true desires. Healing all those before you and all those after you, raising the vibration of humanity together one step at a time. And now? I teach you how to heal yourself and how to heal others, I teach you to connect with spirit so you to can be guided, through ceremony, workshops and courses. It is the power of the divine channelled through me, to you.