Welcome to Divine Awakening

Struggling with your spiritual awakening and feeling overwhelmed by all the 'gurus' and books out there?

Do you want to heal yourself, feel stuck and don't even know where to start, but don't want to invest in thousands of dollars?


Doors close 26th October


Are you looking for like-minded people, who are relatable that you can connect with?

Do you want to recognise your patterns, heal from your past and raise your vibration to manifest your true desires?

Book a call now to see if this programme fully aligns with you at this present moment in time.

Ready to raise your vibration?

Ready to raise your vibration? ⋆

Are you ready to release what no longer serves you?

Are you ready to live a more fulfilling, abundant lifestyle?

I feel you. When I had my spiritual awakening I didn’t know where to start, I was so lost & confused, but I knew there was more to life and I wanted to know all about it, but how & where?

No one understood me. My friends and family thought I was losing the plot; I was completely alone. I was re-evaluating my beliefs, re-evaluating all I had ever known. I was observing my patterns having questions pop up like:

Do I really need to drink so much?

Why do I get angry so often?

Why am I always comparing myself to others?

Why do I keep making the same mistakes?

My first step was awareness followed by an impulse to change something. 👁

I started to feel a sense of connection, I started to let go of attachment, I started to find inner peace, my intuition started increasing. I found a new zest for life and I started healing myself. tt was amazing! Once I started doing this, it was like the universe had my back. Everything just started falling into place, once I choose to walk the spiritual path and begin my spiritual journey.

My compassion increased, I learnt how to love myself, I gained a sense of common humanity & mindfulness. I also learnt forgiveness.

By doing all of this I became empowered, I became my authentic self, I gained so much confidence and a deep sense of self-worth.

Gone was the need to comply with social norms and remain politically correct. I had a real complete sense of satisfaction of who I was and where I was going, which filled my mind, body and spirit! And then came my soul-tribe sisters and my abundant, purpose-filled life, full of connection, growth and true happiness from within.

“I recently finished the Divine Awakening Course. I'm lost for words it was beyond amazing. I've learnt so much in those 3 months and I'm now able to use my skills to help other people and heal myself every day. She also helped me with kickstarting and putting my business on the right path. She has been so selfless going out of her way to offer me advice, tips and positive reinforcement. Kati is such a vibrant light and I feel so grateful to have crossed paths with her. I've also been a part of her Self Love Souls workshops and will be going to the retreat next year. I feel so much gratitude towards the space she holds for the collective, bringing people together is so important. Keep up the amazing work Kati what you're doing isn't going unnoticed.”

Jessica Mustillo

This is a mixture of energy work, holistic tools and techniques, spiritual rituals and so much more.

This programme is everything I wish I had when I was going through my own journey. I have been my own inspiration.

This will be a three-month energy container of energy, growth, learning & healing.

This course has been uniquely created, using all my years of knowledge in energy work, spirituality and holistic counselling, implementing all of my different modalities and self-healing journey. All that I’ve learnt over the past 10 years, into a three-month energy container, just for you!

“Thank you so very much for the last 12 weeks. I can’t get over how much this course has helped me. I had been feeling very lost before all of this & I just feel like this course has just allowed me to know my own strengths & to trust my own abilities. You have shown me that what I'm feeling is something & to always trust my intuition & since I have so much has opened up for me personally. I have never felt as close to my mam & dad as I do now. The work with our angels & archangels I call them in & I feel they are so close. The energy I feel is something I have never experienced, a new high. Our 1on1 point of light therapy changed everything for me. Expressing everything I wanted to say to my mam that I never got to say. It brought me so much closure. You & this course did this for me & I’ll be forever grateful. You are one special lady & i’m forever grateful our paths crossed, especially at a time in my life when I was lost, grieving and feeling alone.”

Michelle Nash

I work with hundreds of clients and students every day, helping them navigate their spiritual journey to heal and transform, so they can step into their power and manifest their true desires.

Why this programme is so transformational:

Working step-by-step together to first clear your energetic blocks, looking at what needs healing:  wounds, fears, traumas, limiting beliefs. They all block us from stepping into our power, it’s becoming aware of them and releasing them, that’s where the magic happens. 

Ensuring you have the tools and techniques to ensure you can incorporate everything learnt on this programme, into your future permanently. 

Giving you the ability to access higher frequencies, via the activations. 

In the “Divine Awakening Programme” you will learn:

Module 1: Awakening Your Inner Vision - Aura Reading, Clearing & Energy Protection

Embark on a journey to awaken your inner sight. In this module, you will learn to see and sense the subtle layers of energy that surround you and others. You will master the art of scanning and clearing auras, uncovering hidden emotions, blockages, and potentials within the energetic field. As you hone this skill, you will develop a deepened sense of empathy and intuition. With powerful energy protection techniques, you will create a safe and sacred space, safeguarding your aura from negative influences. By the end of this module, you’ll feel lighter, more connected to your inner self, and empowered to navigate life with clarity and strength.

Benefits & Transformation:

✨ Develop the ability to see and interpret auras, gaining insight into your own and others' energy fields.
✨ Release and clear energetic blockages, fostering a profound sense of peace and vitality.
✨ Build a protective shield, enhancing your resilience against external negativity and energetic drain.
✨ Boost your intuition and empathic abilities, connecting more deeply with yourself and others.

Module 2: Chakra Alchemy - Balancing & Energizing Your Energy Centers

Dive into the sacred science of the chakras, the seven powerful energy centers that govern your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In this module, you’ll discover how to clear, balance, and activate each chakra using visualization, sound, essential oils, and crystals. Learn which foods and practices nurture these energy centers and how to use this wisdom to enhance your vitality and emotional balance. By the end of this journey, you’ll be able to harmonize your own energy and assist others in achieving deep healing and transformation.

Benefits & Transformation:

✨Achieve profound physical, emotional, and spiritual balance by clearing and energizing your chakras.
✨ Enhance your health and vitality by aligning your energy centers with the right foods, oils, and crystals.
✨ Increase your sense of self-awareness and spiritual connection, living in harmony with your true nature.
✨Develop the skills to help others achieve chakra balance, fostering healing and transformation in those around you.

Module 3: Divine Connections - Channeling Archangels & Spirit Guides

Open your heart and mind to the divine frequencies of the Archangels and Spirit Guides. This module teaches you how to connect, communicate, and channel messages from these higher realms. You’ll discover which archangels to call upon for healing, protection, guidance, and manifestation. Learn to trust your intuition as you receive their wisdom and support, cultivating a deep, personal relationship with your celestial guides. By the end of this module, you will be a clear channel for divine energy, accessing guidance and clarity to illuminate your path and purpose.

Benefits & Transformation:

✨Establish a powerful connection with Archangels and Spirit Guides, receiving their blessings and wisdom.
✨Gain clarity and insight for your personal and spiritual growth, feeling supported and guided at every step.
✨Harness the power of divine energy for healing, manifestation, and protection.
✨Become a vessel for divine messages, helping yourself and others access higher truths and guidance.

Module 4: Crystal Mastery - Healing, Activating & Programming Crystals

Crystals are Earth’s ancient gifts, holding energies that can transform and elevate your life. In this module, you will learn to harness the power of crystals for healing, protection, and manifestation. Discover how to clear old imprints or programming from your crystals, activating their highest potential. Learn to create crystal grids for healing, visions, and manifestation. By the end of this module, you’ll be a crystal alchemist, able to work with these sacred stones to bring balance, clarity, and abundance into your life and the lives of others.

Benefits & Transformation:

✨Master the art of crystal healing, clearing, and programming, unlocking the full potential of these powerful tools.
✨Create crystal grids to amplify healing, attract abundance, and enhance spiritual growth.
✨Deepen your connection to the Earth and its energies, grounding yourself in its nurturing power.
✨Use crystals to clear energetic imbalances and support emotional and physical healing for yourself and others.

Module 5: Pendulum Magic - Unlocking Answers & Energetic Alignment

Step into the ancient art of pendulum dowsing and discover how to access answers from your higher self and the universe. This module will teach you to use the pendulum to clear emotional blocks, test the energy of your food and environment, and find the best choices for your highest good. You will learn to align your energy with your intentions, ensuring that you are on the right path. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to use this sacred tool to gain clarity and insight, enhancing your life with every swing.

Benefits & Transformation:

✨Gain clear and accurate guidance on any question or decision using the pendulum.
✨Clear emotional and energetic blockages, releasing limiting beliefs and patterns.
✨Test the energy of your food, environment, and relationships, aligning with what serves your highest good.
✨Enhance your intuition and trust in your inner knowing, making decisions with confidence and ease.

Module 6: Sacred Spaces & Rituals - Altar Building & Water Blessings

Create a sacred space that reflects your soul’s journey. This module guides you through the process of building an altar that becomes a powerful focal point for your spiritual practice. You’ll learn how to honor your ancestors, set intentions, and use water blessings to cleanse and uplift your energy. These sacred rituals will deepen your connection to the divine and your own inner wisdom. By the end of this module, your altar will be a living manifestation of your spiritual path, supporting your growth, healing, and transformation.

Benefits & Transformation:

✨ Create a sacred space that resonates with your unique spiritual path and intentions.
✨Deepen your connection to your ancestors and spiritual lineage, receiving their guidance and support.
✨ Use water blessings to cleanse, heal, and uplift your energy allowing you to see, hear, speak & think clearly.
✨ Enhance your spiritual practice with rituals that bring clarity, peace, and inspiration into your daily life.

Online Activations & Energy Healings you will receive in the “Divine Awakening Programme'‘:

  • x 1 Inner gift activation

  • x 1 Healing of the heart

  • x 1Third eye activation

  • x 1 ‘Empowering You’ Hypnotherapy

  • x 1 Shamanic medicine drum journey, where you will get to meet your spirit guide

  • x 1 Higher self-connection activation

  • x 1 Guided grounding meditation

  • x 1 Guided releasing & manifestation exercise

  • x 1 Chakra clearing

  • x 1 Claiming back your sovereignty initiation

  • x 3 Light Language healing

  • x 1 Clearing your blocks and limiting beliefs

  • x 1 Timeline therapy healing

If that wasn’t enough you will also get:

  • BI-Weekly Divine Awakening live teachings & group sharing

  • Divine Awakening Soul Tribe community group

Change your life today


Change your life today 〰️

“I LOVED it, Kati is a beautiful soul, with the biggest kindest heart and was born to teach. Kati's teaching style is very supportive and easy to follow, and I always enjoyed the bi-weekly calls listening to Kati My most exciting/exhilarating moment was when I saw my aura around my hands for the first time, I CRIED! I am getting emotional typing this, it was such a ground-breaking moment for me because I have always doubted myself and thought 'am I getting this right?' and then when I saw the aura I knew it was on the right track! I had a traumatising' spiritual awakening episode in August 2021, and I became more afraid of energy and how out of control I feel knowing there is this life force I cannot see, touch or access. Working with Kati on this program has brought me back to seeing energy spirit work etc as FUN and EXCITING and something to fall in love with and have a play with, while still respecting the work I would recommend Kati, a thousand times yes!”




Payment plans available for $100 p/w

Still have questions? Book a FREE call


1. Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual or healing journey, whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced practitioner. It’s designed for those who feel called to expand their consciousness, clear energetic blockages, and step into their true power. If you’re ready to release what no longer serves you, activate your gifts, and connect deeply with your higher self, angels, and guides, this programme is your path to profound transformation.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your spiritual practice, heal emotional wounds, or manifest abundance and clarity in your life, this course will provide the tools, guidance, and support you need to create lasting change. It’s ideal for those yearning for a deeper understanding of their energy bodies and spiritual potential, and who are ready to align with their soul’s purpose.

2. How long is the course?

The Divine Awakening Programme is a comprehensive 12-week journey. We’ll meet bi-weekly for live, interactive sessions, each one designed to guide you deeper into your spiritual awakening. All sessions are recorded, giving you lifetime access to revisit and integrate the teachings at your own pace. This flexible structure ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the experience, whether you follow along live or engage with the content when it best suits your schedule.

3. What can I expect to learn from this course?

Throughout the course, you'll learn way to protect and clear your energy and the energy of others. You can expect a transformative experience that goes beyond traditional learning. You will have powerful energetic practical tools and techniques too use every day to Clear and Balance Your Aura and Chakras and those of other people, allowing you to maintain energetic integrity. You will learn to Release Emotional Blockages, Work through past traumas and limiting beliefs that hold you back, creating space for healing and personal growth. Discover how to harness the energy of crystal grids for healing, manifestation, and abundance, using sacred geometry to amplify your intentions. Connect with Angels and Spirit Guides to receive guidance, clarity, and support on business, relationships, friendships. You can expect to Activate Your Higher Self and Spiritual Gifts. Manifest Abundance and Align with Your Purpose. Learn to dissolve limiting beliefs and align with your highest potential, manifesting a life of joy, purpose, and abundance.

Lifetime Access to Recorded Content: Revisit powerful healing sessions, activations, and teachings whenever you need, allowing you to continue your spiritual growth long after the course ends.

4. Do I need any prior experience or knowledge to enrol in this course?

No prior knowledge or experience is necessary to join the Divine Awakening Programme. This course is designed to meet you where you are on your spiritual journey. Whether you’re completely new to these practices or already have experience with energy work and spirituality, the teachings and exercises will be tailored to support your unique growth and development. All you need is an open heart, a willingness to explore, and a commitment to your own transformation.

Through guided support and a nurturing community, you will feel empowered and inspired to awaken to your true potential, regardless of your starting point.

5. Is there any support available during the course?

Absolutely! You'll receive continuous support during the course, including live Q&A sessions, community forums for interaction, and direct access to me for guidance and clarification.

6. How do I access the course materials?

All course materials, including recordings of class, guided healing & activations, and our “Divine Awakening” workbook are conveniently accessible through our online learning portal. Upon enrolment, you'll receive exclusive login credentials for seamless access to the course content. and the best part you have lifetime access to this portal so you can rewatch any of the teachings, healings or activations as many times as you need.

7. Is there a refund policy?

Yes, we offer a refund policy within the first two weeks of the course of beginning, minus your deposit. if you attend more than 1 live class, there will be no refund.

8. Will there be opportunities for interaction with the instructors?

Of course! Live Q&A sessions and our own private Wassap group chat for our “Divine Awakening community” with 24/7 access to myself.

9. Can I participate in the course with a busy schedule?

Absolutely! We understand life is busy, the course is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing you to engage with the materials and participate in live sessions according to your schedule.

10. How can I enrol in the course?

Enrolling is simple! Visit our website to register and begin your cosmic journey today.

VIP option:


Payment plans for only $100 P/w

Limited spots available.

This includes x 2 1:1 sessions with Kati tailored to your needs.

This can include past life regression/healing, Psychedelic Integration Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Channeled message from your guides, point-of-light therapy, Hape Ceremony, Shamanic Healing, Sound journeys, Hypnotherapy, Somatic Psychotherapy, CBT, DBT,  NLP,  Timeline therapy, and Holistic Counselling.