Space Clearing

Why Kati’s Divine Space Clearing is Necessary?

Energetically, everything that ever happens in a building goes out in ripples like the effect of a stone being dropped in a pond. It is recorded in the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and other objects in the place. It gets astrally imprinted into the very fabric of the structure. Repetitive actions and behaviours are deeply imprinted, and events accompanied by strong emotions or trauma are the most strongly imprinted of all. If you've ever had the experience of walking into a room after there has just been an argument, you know that you can literally feel it hanging in the air. People sometimes say, 'You could have cut the air with a knife!', meaning that the atmosphere was so dense it was as if the argument were physically tangible.

Everyone also creates a certain amount of etheric debris on a daily basis, which leaves a stagnant residue in their home in the same way as everyday living creates cleaning and tidying on a physical level.

Who Needs Space Clearing?

Just about everyone. There are very few buildings in the world that are so well designed that they don't need regular space clearing. Many people now choose to make space clearing part of their regular building maintenance programme so that their space is energetically as well as physically clean and clear. I've received thousands of letters from people telling of remarkable results they have obtained by doing this.

Have you been through a tough time and feel the negative energy is still "hanging" around and following you?

Or have you just moved home and want to ensure nobody else's energies will effect you?

Performing a home or business cleansing may help to rid your space of negative spirits, energies or trapped emotional energy.

Pricing $140

Any house or business: typically takes 1 hour

Price can vary depending on size of property

Bank transfer and cash payment accepted