Point of Light Therapy

What is Kati’s Divine Point of Light Therapy?
Point Of Light Therapy has been developed to help people understand complex metaphysical principles.
This advanced information assists us to find lasting change from old paradigm webs. Shifting these paradigms allows for healing from family conflict, childhood traumas, bad habits, addictive behaviours, dysfunctional relationships, disconnection, physical ailments and so much more.
What does it involve?
Do you need to dissolve any fears or lack projections from 3D consciousness? Would you like to collapse and remove contracts via techniques that connect to high energy sources that assist in clearing programs that have held you in dense energy?
Would you like to connect safely into theoretic forces that are here to aid us in our evolution? Having discernment is our gauge to what we allow into our reality and what we allow our body to have access to.
Would it help you to navigate dimensions, timelines and Akashic records?(whatever has and ever will be is stored in a library that is called the Akashic records).
Do you need to release contracts from your Akashic records? I will work with you and your Governing Board that oversees these records and information, in order to be released from any situations or relationships that have repeating patterns.
Would you like to remove DNA limiting structures? Much like our DNA holds the blueprint of our physical body, our DNA also does the same for our energetic life, thus influencing our experiences. I can remove these structures so you can begin living a life of your own creation rather than a preset life that is limiting you.
Would you like to remove implants? There is more to life than what meets the eye and these forces are working in and around us regardless of our awareness of them. I can remove energetic hooks, cords, implants and attachments so that you can clear them so that they no longer hold you and others back.
Would you like to free yourself from limiting thoughts and beliefs? This will be covered by learning how to observe what is our problem and how it can be linked back to either childhood traumas or past life traumas.
Would you like to clear and re-write matrix blueprints? Work with processes such as past life regressions, curse clearing and soul retrieval.
Empower yourself with energetic principles. This might sound complex but in essence it is simple, you either have the energy there that is creating the problem or not.
Manifest your reality and upgrade your energy body to allow for potent manifestations.
Understand you rights of sovereignty; we are all born free. It is only when we give our power away that we get stuck. It can be by accident and/or by unconscious will. Understand what it means to stand for your freedom and claim back your power to shift your reality.
Find and step into your divine and innate power!

1 Hour: $168
If you want go on a Healing Journey it is more cost effective and beneficial for yourself to book a package with Kati , she can tailor a package to your needs using numerous different modalities, payment plans can be arrnaged. Enquire about a long term package: hello@katisdivinehealing.com
6 week block package: $960
12 week block package: $1800
10% Discount for all Seniors and Students
Home visits are available at an additional cost
Gift vouchers also available
Bank transfer and cash payment accepted