Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes. 

This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health.

The body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is readily available from the sun, air and ground to address physical & emotional imbalances.

Master Choa Kok Sui says “Life Energy or prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or Life Energy from the surroundings.”

Master Choa Kok Sui

Pranic Healing requires no drugs, gadgets, not even physical contact with the subject. Physical contact is not required because the practitioner is working on the bioplasmic or energy body and not directly on the physical body. This energy body, or aura, is the mold or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc. The reason Pranic Healing works on the energy body is that physical ailments first appear as energetic disruptions in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body.

Pranic healing is a non touch energy healing modality. This technique works on clearing the diseased energy that is stored in the body, chakras and shields. When we clear the energy from the body it affects changes on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. 

Our energy body holds the blue print of our physical life.

It uses universal life force that is brought through the healer to create change three times faster due to its powerful affects it has on the client. The change can be miraculous but there are a few factors that can cause change to be shorter such as:

  • The diet of the client,

  • If the client does meditation or mindfulness,

  • The willingness to change,

  • The background of the clients case.

We might be carrying energy in our body that is holding us back in our work, health, relationships and moving forward. Some reasons you may wish to go down the avenue of Pranic healing includes:

  • Clearing environmental home or work stress causing mental and physical health issues,

  • Healing around relationships through un~cording which supports you if your emotionally overwhelmed and helps you to make balanced and rational decisions,

  • Psycho~surgery which works on clearing addictions like sugar, cigarettes or emotional and mental criticism,

  • Healing physical ailments such as irritable bowl syndrome to past accidents that need rehabilitation,

  • Releasing old energy that does not serve you any more, which basically means clearing any organs, chakras and spine from any old patterns that may be stored in the body to create way for the new self~improved chosen path,

  • Clearing childhood trauma, phobias, self~criticism and foundational blocks.

This pervasive energy that surrounds, interpenetrates and sustains the physical body, also affects our emotions, our ability to handle stress, relationships and even finances.

In Ancient times, Pranic Healing could only be practiced by an elite few. My job was to develop a very effective healing system, which ordinary people could learn in just a short period. Anybody can practice pranic healing now. The knowledge of being able to deal with simple ailments is quite empowering.

Master Choa Kok Sui



1 Hour: $168

If you want go on a Healing Journey it is more cost effective and beneficial for yourself to book a package with Kati , she can tailor a package to your needs using numerous different modalities, payment plans can be arranged. Enquire about a long term package:

6 week block package: $960

12 week block package: $1800