This online healing container is for those wanting to commit to their healing journey & do the inner work

Where distance, other commitments or time aren’t an issue …..

“I believe everyone has the right to heal.”

You already know:

Your life will change dramatically if you do the inner work

You need guidance and space held through this Healing journey

You are worthy & deserving of a better life

You do not need to be bound by your trauma, programming & conditioning

More is available to you…….

Kati has been a natural intuitive healer with a deep passion for helping people overcome their past & traumas. 

Kati believes everyone has the right to heal, with the messages from her guides that this work is needed now more than ever before it has led her to create this affordable at home easily accessible to all deep healing container covering all areas of life & all relationships for everyone really wanting to do the inner work. 

If you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, overwhelming emotional pain, relationship issues, or just struggling to cope with ‘normal’ life – you will benefit from this 12- week container on so many levels, emotionally, mentally, energetically & physically. 

Trauma / grief / heartbreak / can cause mental illness and addiction, physically affecting the development of the brain, which impacts the way you think, process emotions and how you behave.

Calling on many modalities of Metaphysical Healing & Holistic Coaching, I will guide profound journeys of healing & core inner work

We’re aware if we don’t do the inner work, the outer work doesn’t align.

By generating a deep emotional clearing through out the 12 weeks providing the tools and empowerment to offer the freedom to write the next chapter of your life.

Burning your old matrix so you can shift into to a new paradigm web, clearing the old making way for the new. 

Becoming in alignment in all areas of your life to Heal & Transform

You can create a new timeline……

Consciously clearing things like:

  • Negative Attachments

  • Energetic cords

  • Karmic contracts & patterns

  • Limiting Beliefs

During this 12 week Metaphysical healing course we will go deep into Inner child healing, mother (feminine) wounds, father (masculine) wounds, a relationship healings including ex-partners & friends. We will clear your timeline via timeline therapy and bio-geometry, I will guide you through soul contract clearing, a soul retrieval, energetic cord cutting. We will be clearing your energetic blocks from your chakras, we will clear any depletions holes or tears from your aura. We will reprogram your subconscious mind from your limiting beliefs.We will build your confidence and teach you to love yourself again.

Sounds too good to be true right?

As I said I believe everyone has the right to heal……..

What your receive:

X1 mother wound healing

X1 father could healing

X1 ancestral clearing on both paternal & maternal lines

X1 relationship healing (can be repeated for family members / partners / friends - including cord cutting & contract clearing )

X1 Soul contract clearing (this life and past life)

x1 Karmic loop pattern & contract clearing ( this life and past life)

X1 inner child healing

X1 time time line therapy healing

X1 chakra clearing

X1 soul contract clearing

X1 aura cleanse

X1 confidence hypnotherapy

X1 self love 

X1 angel healing

X1 clearing your blocks & letting go of limiting beliefs reprogramming

X1 soul retrieval 

X1 organ and physical body healing

X1 Light language healing

We make all of these changes within your akashic records, they take place in the molecule structure of your strand DNA and water molecule in your body.

If that wasn’t enough you also get…..

  • Integration processes, prompted shadow work & journalling prompts.

  • 3 LIVE coaching sessions on Triggers, Boundaries, Self care/ Self Love, Protecting your energy, & goal setting

Using Metaphysical Energetic Healing along side Holistic coaching & reprogramming of the sub-concsious mind for maximum results.

Commit to changing your life today, because you are worthy & you are deserving

What have others said about working with Kati ……

Make it stand out.


Kati helps you navigate your Spiritual / Healing Journey to Heal & Transform so you are able to step into your own power and manifest your true desires.

Kati will intuitively pick up your blockages wether they be emotional, mental, physical or energetic.

Using her years of experience in Energy work, Spiritual practises & Holistic tools & techniques Kati will help you release all what is no longer serving you.

Kati is a certified Reiki Teacher, Holistic Counsellor, Channeller, Hypnotherapist, Point of Light Therapist, Pranic Healer & BioGeometry Practitioner.

Kati began her spiritual path upon losing her nan. It started via Reiki when she had one session and was truly inspired. It changed her whole outlook on life and when she was asked if she would like to learn Reiki, she knew she had a calling.


Those years before Kati became a healer taught her the importance of heart-centred, trauma-informed, compassionate and professional work which she aspires to integrate into the domain of her energy healing. Her vision is to heal others and help them manifest a life that they love, nothing brings her as much joy and soul fulfilment.