For only $222USD
You will receive:
X1 Invaluable video training
X1 Channelled Crystalline Energetic upgrade
X1 In-depth Workbook
X1 Access to Spirit School FB group
10% off your next Spirit School workshop ..... Because we know you'll want more!
This workshop includes Tools and Techniques that every crystal user needs to add to their spiritual toolbox!
Do You Own Crystals?
But are you not programming & activating them? What are you even doing?
Wasting your money is what you are doing ......
Do you want to receive the full potency and benefits from the crystals you purchased?
If the answer is YES you must be gridding! It's as simple as that, crystal gridding is the most powerfully effective way to use your crystals for the highest good of yourself and others.
Every crystal user needs these tools and techniques in their spiritual toolbox!
In this Crystal Grid workshop you will learn:
* How to cleanse your crystals
* Crystal imprints & programs
* How to program your crystals
* How to activate your crystals
* How to crystal grid your home for protection
* How to raise the vibration of your home
* Crystal gridding using numbers, shapes & shamanic directions, Sacred Geometry
* How to set up & use crystals grids for Love, Healing, Manifestation, Family, Success & abundance & more…
Being an energetic healer for over a decade now I've realized how important it is to be energetically upgraded when tapping into teachings that raise your frequency therefore all of my teachings come with an aligned energy healing / activation or upgrade.