For only $222USD, you will receive:
x 1 Invaluable video training
x 1 Full Chakra Clearing
x 1Clearing Chakras via Energy Work guidance
x 1 In-depth Workbook
x 1 Access to Spirit School FB group
10% off your next Spirit School workshop ..... Because we know you'll want more!
These disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs. So unblock your chakras to unlock your full potential, it is a necessity!
Everyone, everywhere should have the access to these life changing tools and techniques to enhance their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health..
You can Unblock your own Chakras through this potent Chakra Workshop!
This workshop is designed to provide unique energetic practices so you have the capabilities to tune into your own chakras and unblock them.
In this Chakras workshop you will learn:
* All about the 7 main energy centres (chakras)
* How they affect us
* Various tools and techniques to balancing our chakras
* Physical energy work techniques to unblock your own chakras
* Physical energy work techniques to unblock others chakras
To function at their best, your chakras need to stay open, or balanced!
If they are blocked, you experience physical or emotional symptoms.
If I have a physical issue, I can get to the root cause by tuning into my own energetic field and clearing my energy field.
Learning how to unblock your own chakras will:
*Strengthen connection self & spirit, allowing you to live a spiritually rich life, in deep connection to the energies and resources that inspire and support your evolution.
*Help you evolve your beliefs opens up your idea generator to its full potential.
*Help you express yourself authentically and speak your truth.
*Help you release burdens and sadness of the heart, making room for forgiveness, compassion & unconditional love giving you the ability to take action without overwhelming yourself.
*Increase your vitality, giving you the ability to complete tasks, manifest ideas, experiences & opportunities.
*Get you in full alignment with your desires and intentions
*Bring you emotional awareness
*Help you release suppressed emotions
*Assist in releasing fear, anger & anxiety
*Assist in teaching you how to own and meet your needs
*Give you empowered self responsibility
*Help you feel grounded