Chakra Balancing
What is Kati’s Divine Chakra Balancing?
Chakra balancing is another form of Energy Healing working solely on each Chakra. 1 by 1 the process of restoring a harmonious flow of energy across the chakra system ensures all energy of the chakras are bought to a well functioning and harmonious state. The effect of well balanced chakras often translates into a feeling of well-being, relaxation, centeredness, increased vitality and embodiment of oneself.
What does it involve?
Hands on and off energy healing technique, along with meditation possibly at times adding breath work and crystals.
Why balance chakras?
The purpose of chakra balancing is to support a balanced flow that will sustain our overall level of energy. In our everyday life we are subjected to a number of activities, sources of stress and demands that result in fluctuations in our energy level. Some may feel draining, others fulfilling or nourishing. Furthermore, past events and experiences often leave a long lasting influence on how we feel and are in the world, therefore influencing how we manage our energy day-to-day.
A chakra imbalance can affect:
How much energy flows through the chakra or chakra system
A chakra is deficient when the energy is “blocked” or it is “closed up”
A chakra is overactive when the energy flow is excessively increased and not regulated
The position of the energetic field associated with one or several chakras is displaced
Balancing consists in establishing sufficient and consistent flow where there is not enough, regulating energy where there’s too much, and aligning where there’s distortion or displacement.

1 Hour: $168
If you want go on a Healing Journey it is more cost effective and beneficial for yourself to book a package with Kati , she can tailor a package to your needs using numerous different modalities, payment plans can be arranged. Enquire about a long term package: hello@katisdivinehealing.com
6 week block package: $960
12 week block package: $1800
10% Discount for all Seniors and Students
Home visits are available at an additional cost
Gift vouchers also available
Bank transfer and cash payment accepted